Free Test Prep for the WISC®-V test

February 25, 2016 0 Comments

The fifth edition of the Weschler Intelligence Scale for Children® (WISC®-V) is the latest version of one of the most widely used intelligence tests for children. If your child needs to take this test soon, you'll want to take a look at these practice questions.

1. Which one of the numbered boxes goes in the box with the question mark?

WISC-V Matrix Reasoning Practice 

2. The shape below is a completed puzzle. Which three shapes go together to make this puzzle?

WISC-V Visual Puzzle

3. Which one of these (point to the answer choices) weighs the same as this (point to the right side of the scale with the question mark)?


WISC-V Figure Weights Practice

The best way to get your child prepared for this test is to expose him to lots of practice. Our Preparation Kit for the WISC-V includes 1000+ practice questions written by a team of psychologists. Order now and get access to our Online Academy!


1) This is a serial matrix reasoning question. The correct answer is 1. Each set of squares is rotated counterclockwise.

2) This is a "visual puzzle." The correct answer is 2, 4, 6.

3) This type of question is called "figure weights." On the left side of first scale we see 2 orange rectangles + 2 yellow circles + 1 blue triangle are equal in weight to 1 orange rectangle + 1 yellow circle + 1 blue square. When we use the process of cancellation to "cancel out" identical shapes on the left and right sides of the first scale, we can deduce that 1 blue square = 1 blue triangle + 1 orange rectangle + 1 yellow circle. Therefore looking at the second scale we can deduce that 1 orange rectangle + 1 blue square = 1 orange rectangle + 1 blue triangle + 1 orange rectangle + 1 yellow circle. So the answer is #4.



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