Don’t be scared: Test taking and preparation tips for the Kaufman Brief Intelligence test (KBIT-2)

January 11, 2016 0 Comments

Prepare for the KBIT-2

Inherent in any kind of testing is anxiety.  This feeling is especially difficult when it comes to young children who do not fully understand how to process and respond to these new sensations. As parents, it is our instinct to protect our children from any possible unpleasantness, but we also want them to be prepared for the realities of the world we live in today.  For better or for worst, that is a world that contains high-stakes standardized testing.  Depending on which state you live in, this testing could start at a very early age and have a drastic impact on the future of your child's education.

While the politics of testing are a subject for another conversation, any teacher will tell you that assessments are actually an important and  fundamental part of education because they tell you where students are, what they have learned, and inform placement as well as future instruction.  Many assessments are intended to give educators and parents an overall view of a child's intellectual potential and capabilities as opposed to what they have learned in a specific class.  One of these tests is the Kaufman Brief Intelligence test, or the KBIT-2.

What is the KBIT-2

Created by Alan Kaufman, the KBIT-2 is simply a test administered to individuals that measures both verbal and non-verbal abilities using sections covering vocabulary, riddles, matrices.  This generates an overall IQ composite.  It is used in a variety of settings for subjects ranging from 4 to 90-years-old and has become exceedingly popular because it is quick and easy to administer.  It is administered to a lot with younger children because it can identify both high risk as well as gifted and talented students by estimating cognitive functioning and evaluating ability.

How to Prepare for the KBIT-2

While tests that measure potential and IQ are hard to prepare for, there are a few steps that can be taken to ease the stress of the test taking process for both parent and child.  Below are a few test taking and preparation tips for the Kaufman Brief Intelligence Test (KBIT-2):

  • Practice: It may seem obvious, but practice makes perfect is a cliche for a reason.  Practice tests are available to familiarize yourself and your child with the process of taking an IQ test.  Many young children are not familiar with this process and can be confused when they see it on the day of administration.  There are many websites designed with activities to boost IQs so that is an option as well. 
  • Games: Puzzles and memory games can make practice seem much more fun while addressing specific skills that are assessed in the KBIT-2. Give them the opportunity to regularly practice riddles and other content included on the KBIT-2.  Also create games in locations like the grocery store by asking your child to go get a number of items and add them up.  These real world experiences will inform their cognitive development and future critical thinking skills. 
  • Psychological Factors: A child will most likely be anxious and nervous about taking any test.  This could be due to expectations by parents or teachers, but there are steps that can be taken to avoid that. Fatigue and not getting enough sleep have been shown to impact performance on intelligence tests. Activities that stimulates the brain such as reading, exploring, music, and creative art will help brain function.

Since the actions that parents, and even the students, can take while actually taking the test is limited, preparation becomes that much more important.  Fortunately, The Test Tutor has years of experience helping students prepare for test ranging from Common Core exams to the WISC. Contact us to learn about all the resources and services we offer and everything we can do to help your child's specific needs.

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